Crazyapple is looking for writers

Since more than two years the website has grown to be a constant in the domain of Documentum, xCP and D2. Focussing on fundamentals and practical short explanations assured that this site has about a thousand visits per month. These mostly English speaking visitors come from India, the US and Europe.
I am looking for dedicated writers who are committed to Documentum, xCP, xMS und D2 and who want to share their knowledge with an independent community.
What is important, is to give people an understanding of the often complex matter of document management systems. Because of much positive feedback I know that through this website gaining and deepening knowledge about the subject has been made easier for many users.
Writers from all fields, development, support and consulting are invited to share their knowledge about document management with a steadily growing interested community.

Writing for is free. Publishing articles cannot be paid. is and stays free of ads.

Please contact Thanks for your interest in keeping our community growing.