xMS – xMS Server installation

The xMS – Tools are a collection of folders and files. The “installs” folder for example contains all the description and binary files of Documentum and xCP 2.0.
The “bin” folder contains the installation-description files (bat files for windows and SH files on Unix) to execute the xms-server and monitoring-server installation.

The xMS Server is the engine that executes xMS commands. The xMS Management Center is a web interface to interact with the server. This chapter describes the installation of xMS Management Center.

Operating System

  • Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 Service Pack 1 (64-bit)
  • Microsoft Windows Server 2012 (64-bit)

Application Server

  • Apache Tomcat 7.0.42
  • VMware vFabric tc Server 2.9.3

Third-party Software

  • Java JDK 1.7.25
    Don’t use the default directory. Install Java near the root directory without whitespaces and not in the “C:\Program Files (x86)” folder.
  • VMware Tools
Java was not installed in the default directory. Blanks can cause problems.

Web Browsers

  • Internet Explorer 9 or 10
  • Firefox
  • Google Chrome (current version 32 works fine)

Windows Server Preparation

  • Update Windows (don’t install IE 11)
  • Disable UAC (User Account Control) in the user settings
  • Disable IE ESC (Enhanced Security Configuration) in the server manager
  • Set JAVA_HOME to the JDK root directory
  • Enable RDP (Remote Desktop Protocol) and add/select additional users
  • Copy the “installs” folder (its named “Media Location”) to a network storage location or to your NAS. Make sure to share this folder to the selected known users.

Server config file

media-location is the network path to the installation folder
media-location-username is one of the usere who has access to the media-location
the following properties may be commented out or in

# The Media Location in UNC Format.Value should not end with a (backslash) character. Double Quote value if backslash necessary.
# Username to access Media Location. Value should not end with a (backslash) character. Double Quote value if backslash necessary
#Application server absolute installation Path(Directory name should not contain space)
#Application Server product name(tcServer or tomcat)
# Specify AppServer version which you want to use to deploy xMS server war
xMS 1.1 server status
xMS Server installation successful