D6.5 Trusted Content Services

Documentum 6.5 compatible

The Trusted Content Services adding security options on the Content Server.

Main security features

Feature Description
Encrypted file store storage areas Any content format except rich media can be encrypted. Encryption protect the content to accessing from the operating system.Standalone and distributed storage area can be encrypted
Digital Shredding Digital Shredding provides a final, complete way of removing content from a storage area.
Electronic signatures Using the addESignature method to implement an electronic signature through the Content Server.The method creates a formal signature page and rendition.
additional types of entries in an ACL • AccessPermit and ExtendedPermit *
• AccessRestriction and ExtendedRestriction
• RequiredGroup and RequiredGroupSet
• ApplicationPermit and ApplicationRestriction

* AccessPermit and ExtendedPermit entries grant the base and extended permissions. Creating, modifying, or deleting AccessPermit and ExtendedPermit entries is supported by all Content Servers.

Access control enry Effect of the entry
Access Restriction An access restriction entry denies a user the right to the base object-level permission level specified in the entry.
For example, if a user would otherwise have Delete permission as a member of a particular group, an access restriction might limit the user to, at most, Version permission. The user would therefore lose Write and Delete permissions.
Extended Restriction An extended restriction entry denies a user or the members of a specified group the specified extended object-level permission. For example, if a user would otherwise have Change Permission rights as a member of a particular group, an extended restriction would remove that right.
Required Groups A required group entry requires a user requesting access to an object governed by the permission set to be a member of the group identified in the entry. If there are entries for multiple groups, the user must be a member of all the groups before Content Server allows access to the object.
Required Group Set A required group set entry requires a user requesting access to an object governed by the permission set to be a member of atleast one group in the set of groups.