I touched xCP 2.0

I touched xCP 2.0

Personal impressions of EMC’s hands-on LaB in Vienna

The first lab session called “Beginner” on Tuesday, 6th November 2012 allowed us a 2h preview of the new xCP2.0  Runtime (which is replacing TaskSpace) and the great xCP Designer. xCP Designer is the new unified tool and replaces the Process Builder, Forms Builder, Composer, Process Reporting Services and the TaskSpace configuration functions.

Business Object

Business Objects represent the contentless objects in Documentum and are inherit from the dm_sysobject. IT’s comparable to the creation of object types in Composer with general attributes like label, value type and default value.


The expression language (SpEL) auto-completes contextual object-oriented phrases in dot-syntax. It is very easy to create complex expressions, because the auto-complete functionality allows only to use data in the correct relation.
Dan Ciruli told us that custom functions allow nearly endless flexibility and power.

Data Service

Forms Adaptors have been completely replaced by Data Services. This Data Service includes Real Time, Historical, Full-Text or Task-List Queries. Real Time Queries are based on stateless objects and  define GUI-driven a DQL query (you did not see any DQL in the wizard !). Second step is to create a results list and connect the output with the previously created data service instance.
A helpful functionality is to refresh the result set in realtime, the function is called “when an input value change”. So every time a customer types into the field the result area changed. Also available: refresh on page load.


xCP Designer – Relationship type properties

Relationships are a very powerful function to bring data in a special context/relation to each other. Example: Country:City is a One to Many  (1:n) relationship. Also available One to One (1:1), Many to One (n:1) and Many to Many (n:n) relationship.




Features that are not included in xcp 2.0

Features that are not included in xcp 2.0

The xCP Designer is the new main devoloping tool. These application includes the features of the Documentum Composer, Process Builder, Forms Builder and Process Reporting Tool.


Dan Ciruli from EMC declared on his xCP Roadmap this Tuesday that the Application (Process) Debugger is not included in the software release right now (many people ask for it)

provided for xCP 2.1

  • saved searches
  • integrated source control
  • federated searches (outside the repository)
    Frederic Ciminera from EMC posted a tutorial how to set up an xCP 2.0 application using FS2 (Federated Search Services): Federated Search in an xCP 2.0 application
  • cloud capture
  • XML support
  • syncplicity support
  • “more deployment options” (bring in custom code)
Dan Ciruli, Momentum 2012


Dan Ciruli from EMC will hold a  “Hands On Lab” presentation on the Momentum 2012 in Vienna.
The first session is called EMC Documentum xCP 2.0 (Beginner) and will take place on Tuesday, 6th November 2012, 16:30pm – 18:15pm

The second part is just called  EMC Documentum xCP 2.0 (Advanced) and will take place on Wednesday, 7th November 2012, 14:00pm – 15:45pm

This will be the first demonstration of xCP 2.0 in EMEA and just before the release of xCP in Q4 of this year.

Read Dan Ciruli‘ s full announcement.