Composer – Setp 1 create a new custom type

Composer – Setp 1 create a new custom type


  1. Create a new project
    File –> new –> project
    select Documentum Project and enter a new project name
  2. Create a new custom type
    expand the Documentum Navigator on the left hand side
    file–>new–>other–>select Type and click next
    enter a new Artifact name and click Finish.
    In the main composer window the General tab displays.
    1st we need a supertype object. Select dm_document as supertype, because we need the document properties.
    2nd on the attributes tab creates a new attribute
    In the Structure section, specify the following values for the fields:

    1. Data Type = STRING
    2. Length = 20

    Expand the status attribute node and click on Value mapping. The Conditional Assistance and Value Mapping Table sections appear on the right side.
  3. In the Conditional Assistance section, click on New (screenshot).

    It is possible to enter a fixed value list or enter a DQL query. Select the checkbox for List is complete. This prevents any custom input being entered for the status attribute.

    Click OK to finish this action.
    Save the project and check the Problems and Error log tab. No problems or errors should be displayed.

  4. Display tab:
    create a new display configuration (screenshot)In the Configuration  Label field, type an unique and comprehensible name. This will be the name of  the tab as displayed in Webtop. Select the checkbox Custom attributes only and add all of your custom attributes.
    Click OK to finish this action
    In the Application Interface Display section, typean unique and comprehensible name for the Type Label field. This text  is displayed in the drop down menu when selecting a type for a new  document in Webtop. Save the project and check the Problems and Error log tab. No problems or errors should be displayed.