Searchtechnology xPlore

Searchtechnology xPlore

Additional to my study papers a little summary of the next generation full text engine xPlore.

XPlore was released October 2010 for Documentum 6.5 SP2 / 6.5 SP3 / 6.6 and worked in the Dual Mode with the FAST engine. Since Documentum 6.7 and CenterStage 1.1 only xPlore search is available.

FAST vs. xPlore Interface

Result by xPlore engine. This shot was taken from CenterStage version 1.2

Search Result with FAST engine. This screenshot was taken from the TaskSpace 6.6 envirnment.
Filtertypes. Screenshot taken from CenterStage 1.2


  • The main benefit is the complete new indexing services based on Lucene of the Apache Software Foundation. Lucene works on the Documentum xDB (XML Database) und using the XQuery Language.
  • xPlore provides native support for ACLs. Unauthorized documents are not collected.  FAST engine collects all result document and the ContentServer filter the results.

Exam question

Search features: Search ranking compared.

Webtop Taskspace CenterStage
procentual no ranking up to three bullets


addition links

Jeetu is Chief Marketing Officer and Chief Strategy Officer for the EMC Information Intelligence Group.

EMC xPlore Overview

EMC xPlore Questions & Answers (as of summer 2010)