Understanding Process Data

Understanding Process Data

xCP 1.x compatible

There are three kind of process data used in Process Builder:

  • Package attributes are the metadata associated with the object
  • Process variables can be single attributes or a complex hierarchy of attributes named Structured Data Types (SDT)
  • Process parameters are predefined values used in all instances


Packages are metadata associated with the Documentum object which is passed between activities in an existing process. Package data is persistent.

Process variables

Process variables are not persistent. This kind of variables must be mapped in the Process Data Mapping Activity to a package attribute if the value of the variable should persist beyond the life of the process instance.

Structured Data Types are not persistent. They are global and can be used by any process.
It is not possible to delete or modify used SDT attributes. New attributes to an existing SDT can be added. SDT should be used to group logically related business data.
SDTs are more lightweight than object attributes and are better for performance and scalability. Replace as many process variables as possible with SDT attributes (xCP Performance Tuning Guide).

Process parameters

Process parameters are fixed values defined in the process template and available for all process instances. Administrators can change process parameters without uninstalling the process. The changed parameter value is used in all process instances after saving the value.

Any changes to the data model require uninstalling, saving and reinstalling the form and process templates. 
Example: to change a SDT or SDT attribute after implementing you must break the data binding in Forms Builder and rebind the renamed SDT.

Updating process data

To modifying an SDT  – variable it brings a lot of trouble in your environment.
To change the SDT properties you must delete the selected SDT from the environment and recreate the SDT including the old properties and the changed properties.


  • remove an attribute from the SDT
  • decrease the length of a string value (increase the length can be done at any time)
  • change the type of an attribute
  • change from repeating to non-repeating

Understanding Accelerated Content Service (ACS)

The Accelerated Content Services is a lightweight server that handles read and write content operations for web‑based client applications (Webtop, Taskspace or D2). ACS server is not available to handle content read and write requests for users on Desktop client applications.The ACS server runs in the Java method server.
By default ACS caching is disabled (Distributed Configuration Guide 6.5 ). To enables ACS caching set the acs.cache.enabled property to true.

There is one ACS server for each Content Server host installation. It communicates with one Content Server for each repository in the host installation. The ACS server is installed automatically when the first repository on the installation is configured.
If additional repositories are added to the installation, the ACS server’s configuration information is updated so that the server can communicate with the primary Content Server for the new repository.

These are the acs.properties file and acs config objects. Each ACS server has one acs.properties file and at least one acs config object. The file is created when the ACS server is installed. The acs config object is created when a repository is configured. The acs config object resides in a repository. Each repository served by an ACS server must have an acs config object for that ACS server. ACS config objects can be modified only through Documentum Administrator, located here Administration -> Distributed Content Configuration -> ACS Servers.

An ACS server cannot access content in other types of storage areas. Nor can it directly access encrypted or compressed content or virtual documents or XML documents. If an ACS server receives a request for a document that it cannot access, the request is forwarded to its associated Content Server, which will service the request and send the result back to the ACS.

ACS servers by default are configured in push mode for communications with a Documentum Message Services (DMS*1) server. They cannot be run in pull mode.
A Branch Office Caching Services (BOCS) server can communicate with a DMS server in either push or pull mode.

UCF*2 provides support for distributed content by providing integration with ACS and BOCS. Both these technologies providen performance optimizations when content is distributed across different repositories in distant network locations.

*1A DMS server is a message routing server. It runs in the application server. Although part of the Content Server product, DMS is packaged separately, with its own installer and is installed on a host that is different from the Content Server host. It is not installed with Content Server.

*2 Unified Client Facilities (UCF) is a proprietary, lightweight client-server application used for managing content transfer between Documentum repositories and UCF-enabled clients. UCF is a remote content transfer application, and is available in the productivity layer in Java (remote mode only) and .NET.


  • EMC® Documentum® Documentum Administrator, Version 6.5, User Guide
  • EMC® Documentum® Content Server, Version 6.5, Distributed Configuration Guide
  • EMC® Documentum® Documentum Foundation Services, Version 6.5 SP2, Development Guide

short tutorial: use adaptors in Forms Builder

xCP 1.x compatible

 Example: the last five active users

This list was dynamically created with the data source adaptor for the application Forms Builder.

First you must create a global or template adaptor. Use the data source adaptor to create a DQL or SQL – Query and include dynamical information from external data source.

The following query returns the last logged in users

select user_name, last_login_utc_time  from dm_user WHERE user_os_name not like 'dm%' AND user_name = SUBSTR( default_folder,2,20)ORDER BY last_login_utc_time DESC ENABLE(RETURN_TOP 5)


Make sure that you are working in the  “Design view” and insert a ReadOnlyTable. The table has a lot of properties, please label the table and select the “Special” tab.

Select your individual adaptor as external data source.

The individual adapter named “hpe_top5_users” and is a global adapter, available for all form templates.

Remember: the output data was created as an indivudual complex type. The output type called “data” and the group named “item”. The individual items are  the result values of the query: user_name and last_login_utc_time.

The output data is sortable. You can relabel the columns and set the visibility and the width of the rows.


The individual adapter named “hpe_top5_users” and is a global adapter, available for all form templates.

The ListBox functionality is very similar to the ReadOnlyTable. The adaptor must be specified for every individual ListBox in the “Data & Storage” tab.

The login-time as unique value is not recommend, because it is not an identifier. The query should be extended with one unique id, for example the r_object_id.

In the ListBox only one value is available. Please select one of the result values of the query.


This figure displays the special tab for the ListBox property. The adaptor will be exectuted when the form initializes.

Forms Builder: Data adaptors

xCP 1.x compatible

futher information: short tutorial: use adaptors in Forms Builder

Data adaptors are a powerful tool to create individual and dynamical forms and taskspace tabs. The data source adaptor includes data from the repository via DQL or values from SQL or JDBC (Java Database Connectivity).

Adaptor Type Description
Item Initializer entered a value in a field automatically.
Default: current date/time in a date in a time or date field.
Item Validator validate a user’s input values
on individual fields.
Default: adaptor validates string inputs
against the current repository by searching for
them in the list returned by a DQL query or a default string (example: “@”)
Document Validator validate an entire form template
Data Source include external information into template
further information can be found in Class Name section
Data Source Set Value automatically populate one field on the
template by two types of setting adaptors values: on Change or on Init
Document Processor – Initialization An initialization adaptor initializes values for the entire form.
Document Processor – Pre-submission A pre-submission adaptor executes prior to form submission
provided the validation succeeds, then the form is saved.
Document Processor – Post-submission A post-submission adaptor executes after a form is submitted.

Create Data Adaptors

Forms Builder –>File –> Adaports

Adaptor Configuration Manager

Adaptor Configuration Manager

Installed adaptors

add a new adaptor (Global Adaptors if the functionality should be available for more than one form template).


Adaptor Type (table 1 on this page)
Name: the individual name of your new created adaptor
Description: a short description of the functionality or requirements


Class Name:
DataSourceAdaptorService to connect a repository via DQL

JDBCDataSourceAdaptor to connect to SQL or external DQL Server

PropertiesDataSourceAdaptor to include data from a properties file

Java Class (a Java Class is easy to validate or to debug, if your adaptor is not very complex you can use SBO per default)
service-based business object (SBO) based on EMC’s Business Object Framework (BOF)

Initial parameter:
dql or sql

returns the last five active users (last_login_utc_time):

select user_name, last_login_utc_time  from dm_user 
WHERE user_os_name not like 'dm%' AND user_name = SUBSTR( default_folder,2,20)ORDER BY last_login_utc_time DESC 


The individual value to fulfill the main query. Not usesd in this example.

Output type:

All used values in the Initial parameter section should be specified. All output items are grouped in a individual group, called “item”.

futher information: short tutorial: use adaptors in Forms Builder