Drill-down is used for navigation in hierarchically organized data (OLAP). Drill-down describes an increasing granularity in the management of data. E. g., one can zoom into an address. The process of zooming out (decreasing granularity) is called roll-up or drill-up. The drill-down’s increasing granularity is shown with the help of an address example that develops from the country (low granularity) to the real address (high granularity).The drill-up or roll-up is the opposite of a drill-down. It makes use of a decreasing granularity showing things more globally.

Documentum differentiates between two kinds of drill-down reports: |
Single Drill-down | Multi Drill-down |
relation between a base report and a target report: base report is updated based on target report | Link a base report to other reports: relation results in an updateBut one of the surrounding dashlets not one of the contents of the base report (E20-120 exam) |
Built in one phase: use Process Reporting Services to implement relation between base and target |
Built in two phases: 1. use PRS to build the hyperlinks 2. use Task Space dashboard manager to implement the connection between the dashboards to be updated and the source |
Single- and multi drill-down reports are configured with a source (base) report and a target report. It is best practice to design the target report first, so that it is available on picklists when the source (base) report is designed.
Relevant products: Business Activity Monitor , Process Reporting Service
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