What is a drill-down report?

Drill-down is used for navigation in hierarchically organized data (OLAP). Drill-down describes an increasing granularity in the management of data. E. g., one can zoom into an address. The process of zooming out (decreasing granularity) is called roll-up or drill-up. The drill-down’s increasing granularity is shown with the help of an address example that develops from the country (low granularity) to the real address (high granularity).The drill-up or roll-up is the opposite of a drill-down. It makes use of a decreasing granularity showing things more globally.

Following the items in the picture from top to down you can see the increasing granularity of the drill-down whereas the down to top direction shows the decreasing granularity of a roll-up / drill-up.

Documentum differentiates between two kinds of drill-down reports:

Single Drill-down Multi Drill-down
relation between a base report and a target report: base report is updated based on target report Link a base report to other reports: relation results in an updateBut one of the surrounding dashlets not one of the contents of the base report (E20-120 exam)
Built in one phase:
use Process Reporting Services to implement relation between base and target
Built in two phases:
1. use PRS to build the hyperlinks
2. use Task Space dashboard manager to implement the connection between the dashboards to be updated and the source

Single- and multi drill-down reports are configured with a source (base) report and a target report. It is best practice to design the target report first, so that it is available on picklists when the source (base) report is designed.

Relevant products: Business Activity Monitor , Process Reporting Service

What is the Document Image Services?

What is... This is a short answer and question category.

Explanation:With the Documentum Document Image Services (DIS) imaging-related documents and pictures can be viewed in the Taskspace or Webtop application without opening external programs. DIS provides some third-party viewers like IGC Brava! or Daeja ViewOne Pro for viewing, annotating and streaming content.

Function: The Documentum Document Image Services is an image and document viewing framework and available for all WDK Image viewer control applications (eg. Taskspace).
DIS was released for Documentum 6 and is available for Documentum 6.5, 6.6 and 6.7 and will be part of the Documentum 7 applications.

Viewer IGC Brava!Daeja ViewOne ProDocumentum PAS *
Adobe ReaderHigh
* excerpt* excerpt* PDF annotation services
Major File
DWG ... *
irm-pdf for Information Rights Management (IRM)
High fidelity form templates by openoffice
AnnotationsSupportedSupportedSupportedNot currently supported
Documentum 6.7
Not currently supported
Documentum 6.7
Outbound Page Serving
Page Serving
noneByte streaming (PDF)none
DeploymentServer side
Server side
Client side
Client side
Server side
StreamingPage-level retrieval
Page serving
Page modifications
Page-level retrieval
Page serving
Page modifications
noneByte streamingnone

The Brava and Daeja viewers provide similar page access functionality, in which the viewer may be able to display the first page of a document before the entire document has been downloaded from the server. The page serving functionality built into ACS and BOCS using page aware plug-ins. ACS and BOCS can split a multi-page file into individual pages and serve them back to the viewer if the viewer requests it (only available for PDF and TIFF).
The page modifications functionality built into DIS and TaskSpace is used for document merging and page modifications such as deleting, inserting, splitting, and reordering pages in a multiple page document.

Relevant products: TaskSpace, BOCS, ACS


What is the server step size?


What is... This is a short answer and question category.

Explanation: The server step size is a numeric value in seconds. It displays how often information from the audit trail table will be transferred into the BAM database.

Function: The numeric value is the period how often the event pipe job runs. You can increase the step size on high volume environments.
Please keep in mind: the server step size and the data transfer latency are asynchronous but dependent entities. On high volume environment increase the latency and the job runs less frequently. The job takes longer and the data size of each transaction is larger. Do not increase the step size to much, because the data size and data volume could have negative effects to the system performance.

Relevant products: Business Activity Monitor, Content Server, xCP, Process Engine

additional information: Data transfer latency

What is the data transfer latency?

What is... This is a short answer and question category.Explanation: The BAM Server collects events from the audit trail database that occurred 30 seconds in the past. This delay ensures that late arriving audit trail events are collected.

Function: On high load environments where Process Engine handles large volumes of workflows simultaneourly (> 100 concurrent WF events) the Content Server takes more than some second to complete the transaction.
Default latency is 30 second. On high load environments the latency up to 300 seconds and more.
–higher latency = longer delay for update the report data in the dashboard–

Relevant products: Business Activity Monitor, Content Server, xCP, Process Engine

additional information:server step size