What is the data transfer latency?

What is... This is a short answer and question category.Explanation: The BAM Server collects events from the audit trail database that occurred 30 seconds in the past. This delay ensures that late arriving audit trail events are collected.

Function: On high load environments where Process Engine handles large volumes of workflows simultaneourly (> 100 concurrent WF events) the Content Server takes more than some second to complete the transaction.
Default latency is 30 second. On high load environments the latency up to 300 seconds and more.
–higher latency = longer delay for update the report data in the dashboard–

Relevant products: Business Activity Monitor, Content Server, xCP, Process Engine

additional information:server step size

What is... This is a short answer and question category.What is the GAP-filler?

Explanation: The gap-filler-feature is part of the Content Server and stores data between the Content Server and the Business Activity Monitor (BAM) database.

Function: The Content Server continuously writes audited data into the audit trail table regardless of whether the Business Acitvity Monitor Server monitors the data.
If the BAM database goes offline the gap-filler-feature stores the data and fills the backlogged data into the BAM Server after a preconfigured period.
Default period is 5 Minutes. There is no numeric imitation to the period time accept the BAM memory size.

Relevant products: Business Activity Monitor, Content Server, xCP

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